Comodo PositiveSSL Extended Validation Certificate

The PositiveSSL EV is a revolutionary product in that it expands access to Extended Validation SSL. In the past EV SSL was viewed more as a luxury for companies and organizations that could afford it. No more. The PositiveSSL EV offers industry-standard encryption strength and the high assurance that is synonymous with Extended Validation at a price point that fits easily into almost any budget. Good security and authentication aren’t a privilege, they should be available to everyone. And the PositiveSSL EV ensures that they are.

Buy New OR Renew Your Comodo Extended Validation Certificates


  • Green address bar
  • Highest assu rance certificate
  • 2048-bit, next generation SSL
  • US$1,000,000 warranty
  • 99.3% Browser Recognition
  • Priority phone support
  • Free Comodo TrustLogo
  • Unlimited server licenses

E-commerce merchants are going beyond the gold padlock to go green with Extended Validation SSL certificates, the e-commerce standard for trust and security. The green browser address bar, exclusive to EV SSL certificates, assures website visitors that they are transacting on a highly trusted and secured domain. The EV SSL certificate was designed to strengthen e-commerce security and combat phishing attacks to make EV SSL the most complete SSL certificate available. Visual assurance helps e-commerce merchants increase trust, reduce shopping cart abandonment, and build long-term revenue.

Obtaining an Extended Validation SSL certificate requires a rigorous validation performed by Comodo, a registered Certificate Authority (CA). This is required to ensure that the company behind the site meets Extended Validation standard. These strict validation guidelines help keep the green address bar associated with only trusted organizations to maintain the highest level of security and trust with visitors.

Comodo also has Extended Validation certificates to secure multiple unique domains.

You'll benefit from

  • Boosted consumer confidence with the Green Address Bar, exclusive to EV SSL
  • Reduced shopping cart abandonment
  • Increased conversion rates
  • Ease of EV deployment by using our EV Enhancer technology™
  • Protect your customers from phishing attacks

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